We thought we'd make it easy for you and do a wrap up of our New Release Handbags..
Are you ready?
First one out is Legally Blonde Handbag - Hello gorgeous colour... HELLO! How can you go past this Handbag? Young and vibrant yet oh so sophisticated! #perfect

In the words of the great Mr. Swayze, “Nobody puts (this) baby in the corner!” and with that we give you the Dirty Dancing Handbag

How hard is it to try + be like Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels? Hard right... well scrap that + buy our Charlies Angel Handbag the most desired black bag!

Of course it’s whats on the inside that counts + each bag contains our signature M+M removable + hand washable organizer! For more on those head to the bag descriptions... you'll wonder why you haven't purchased one earlier!
And that's them... Hot right?! We hope we've helped you decide which one you need!
The M+M Chicks